Sunday, November 2, 2008

Citizen Journalism

Everybody in the world has an opinion about a subject matter, the tool is how to express their own idea and be heard. Citizen Journalism allows ‘citizens’ the ability to express their point of view through blogging their ideas. A blog is a website that is created just for you to post your own ideas, comment on other people’s ideas, post images, videos, music and allows podcasting. When ordinary people are allowed access to the waves, allows their ideas to be heard and making them a journalist., this site allows ordinary people can comment on everyday news and comment on other posts that are available. Professional journalist think ordinary people do not acquire the skills of reporting. However, for people having the ability to have a point of view makes subjects not bias. For example, during the Iraq war people were in a remote area that was considered to be very dangerous and people from the other side blogged their situation and allowed feedback. Where journalists cold not get information, the information was posted by people living it. Citizen journalism is all about public opinion and also makes people check if their sources are relevant and also accurate. It allows people to comment 24/7 and has no boundary.
Moral of the story is that :COLLECT REPORT ANALYZE DISTRIBUTE that would be a help to everyone in the world if there is freedom of speech.

As Blogs and Citizen Journalism Grow, Where's the News? By Rick Edmonds (More Articles by author).

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