Sunday, November 9, 2008

Response to the Article- by Lakshmi Chaudhry

I read the article ‘Nation, Mirror Mirror On the Web’ I was intrigued to find out that Celebrity-ism has become another product of our commodity obsession of this world, where fame is no longer an attribute of success but an secret motive. A study conducted by Twenge and her colleagues showed that 12% of teenagers in 1950 agreed with the statement "I am an important person" whereas by the 1980s the percentage reached to 80. Twenge believed that this 'spike in narcissism is linked to an overall increase in individualism'. Many programs provide the opportunity for people to express themselves ‘You tube’. And big brother is a whole program dedicated to behavior of people.

Many people are now travelling that has broken up tradition, and changed people by telling them things like ‘your special’. People believe that if you’re not famous, you’re nobody. Branding, celebrity and the internet have created an image that celebrity lifestyle is the ideal life style and all the others are unworthy compared to them. The culture we endorse celebrities as idols and the internet gives the opportunity to normal people to notify and communicate in the world.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Anne Pressly

Anne Pressley

Anne Pressley
An American News Anchor for KATV Channel 7 in Little Rock, Arkansas. On October 25, 2008, she died from injuries resulting from a home invasion on October 20. The murder remains unsolved. This mystery it’s not being solved by the journalists. Little Rock Police Department spokeswoman Cassandra Davis said police do not believe that she was intentionally targeted, but robbery was the suspected motive after her purse was discovered to be missing. Her credit card was used at a service station several miles away sometime after Cannady had discovered her daughter. Hmmm... interesting didn’t then shop assistant know that the sign does not match the one behind on the card or even her name Anne Pressley is so famous or the person who stole her credit card could have being a ‘Ms’ ‘Miss’ or ‘Mrs.’ but definitely not a ‘Mr.’. There is more technology nowadays, camera surveillance should be essential in a petrol station and could have captured their identity. While Anne was fighting for her life the ‘robbers’ were enjoying her wealth.
KATV had set up a reward fund for information on Pressley's murder and the fund currently exceeds $45,000. Her family requested that either contribution be made to the fund or a scholarship fund established in her name.
..But... Why
There is certainly something strange at the heart of this story. Anne Pressley is an improbable victim -- she lived in a safe area, she was a well-known face about town. I think there is more to this story then it seems, What do you think?...

Visit: this is the blogosphere shows comments relating to Anne Pressley’s murder.

Video of Citizen Journalism

here is a great video explaining what citizen journalism is all about around the world..Which i found interesting to watch.. hope you would like it

Citizen Journalism

Everybody in the world has an opinion about a subject matter, the tool is how to express their own idea and be heard. Citizen Journalism allows ‘citizens’ the ability to express their point of view through blogging their ideas. A blog is a website that is created just for you to post your own ideas, comment on other people’s ideas, post images, videos, music and allows podcasting. When ordinary people are allowed access to the waves, allows their ideas to be heard and making them a journalist., this site allows ordinary people can comment on everyday news and comment on other posts that are available. Professional journalist think ordinary people do not acquire the skills of reporting. However, for people having the ability to have a point of view makes subjects not bias. For example, during the Iraq war people were in a remote area that was considered to be very dangerous and people from the other side blogged their situation and allowed feedback. Where journalists cold not get information, the information was posted by people living it. Citizen journalism is all about public opinion and also makes people check if their sources are relevant and also accurate. It allows people to comment 24/7 and has no boundary.
Moral of the story is that :COLLECT REPORT ANALYZE DISTRIBUTE that would be a help to everyone in the world if there is freedom of speech.

As Blogs and Citizen Journalism Grow, Where's the News? By Rick Edmonds (More Articles by author).

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Me myself and I...

My name is Zara, and im a communication diploma student studying at Insearch.. sometimes it gets stressing but i dont really care... i just want to get into uni one way or the other...

so i guessss i just gotta STUDY BRoOoO!

Peace OUt
Zara Gee! Ze 1 n zE OnLy